Mark Sunshine
sunshine at

Mark Sunshine or whatever you choose to refer to him by, was born in 1967 on the isle of Manhattan. He has bounced around the tri-state area during his adulthood, reminiscient of a piece of produce having fallen on the floor of the delivery truck, back and forth, across the dirt and worn floorboards. An in-depth bio would be so shamefully light, that to construct one would be foolish. So, if people come too close, he is currently working on a mix between the human genome crossed with that of a cephalopod, hoping to engineer a misanthrope that would have the capability of escaping in a cloud of murky ink.

quickpink thumbnail
Click for larger version of sketch scan 45 kb

coil thumbnail
Click for larger version 90 kb

Re-inventing the Virginia Wheel

Awakening is like getting into the office
with many thoughts vying for my attention
as soon as I enter the state
the gleaming halls of dream
like the interstate
the landscape dropping out into
the atriums and common areas
full of feelings like walls
colorful obstructive displays
covered in diodes change color furiously
and I become bloated with habit

© sunshine 2002